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The Commission on the Accreditation of
Programs in Applied and Clinical Sociology

Sample Site Visitation Schedule

Prior to arrival (or scheduling a virtual site visit followed by an abbreviated physical site visit during an international crisis or pandemic), the agenda and schedule for the site visit shall have been established and confirmed through negotiations between the Site Visit Team Leader and the Program Director, in consultation with the ARC Chair.

The site visit schedule should allow sufficient time for private Site Visit Team conferences. Any activities scheduled in the evenings should be finished early so that the Site Visit Team can complete its duties afterward.

A suggested agenda for the Site Visit follows. (The agenda for an abbreviated physical site visit following a virtual site visit during an international crisis or pandemic will be adjusted by the Site Visit Team Leader and Program Director in consultation with the ARC Chair):

Day 1:

1. The Site Visitors arrive in the afternoon and complete the following duties:

a. Confer and review the site visit schedule.

b. Meet with the Program Director to confirm the site visit schedule, and request any additional data or materials required for the site visit, as determined by the Accreditation Review Committee.

c. Meet with Program faculty and administrators in an informal gathering.

Day 2:

1. Morning

a. Meet collectivity with the Department Chair, Program Director, and Program faculty. The conference should provide an overview and history of the Program, the role of the site visit within the accreditation review process, and pertinent details of the site visit. The conference should be scheduled for approximately 1 hour, and include a 15-minute presentation by the Program, with the remaining time allocated for discussion. Both members of the Site Visit Team are to be involved in this conference.

b. Meet individually with the Program Director, Department Chair, Program faculty, appropriate higher-level administrators (e.g., the Dean, Provost, and/or President), and faculty who are associated with, but are not necessarily in, the Program such as adjunct faculty. Depending on the size of the Program, the Site Visit Team may meet independently or together with these persons. If independent conferences are held, the Site Visit Team Leader will meet with the highest-ranking administrator.

2. Afternoon

a. Tour campus and meet with other functionary and support units such as the library, computer center, placement services, and other student support services.

b. Meet separately with Program students and Program alumni. Program faculty should not be present at these conferences. Both members of the Site Visit Team are to be involved in these conferences.

c. Meet with Program staff.

d. Review relevant records.

e. Meet with Program's community advisory committee, if applicable.

Day 3:

1. The Site Visitors remain on site until the following duties are completed:

a. A meeting with the internship or practicum coordinator, and a visit of a minimum of two (2) internship or practicum sites.

b. A meeting with other community organizations with which the Program has public and professional outreach relationships, if applicable.

c. Exit conferences with the Program Director and other appropriate institutional representatives to provide an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the Program, discuss the Program’s compliance with the Commission’s Standards, and review next steps in the accreditation review process.

d. Develop a draft of the Site Visit Report that is provided to the Program Director, and includes a summary of the program’s strengths and weaknesses and compliance with the standards. The Program Director will be invited to return comments and clarifications, and additional supporting materials, if requested.

This is only a model. Individual circumstances may require modifications and/or a longer site visit.