The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has awarded the Commission on the Accreditation of Programs in Applied and Clinical Sociology (CAPACS) with trademark status for CAPACS logos registered under domestic and international trademarks for use by programs that have met the Commission’s accreditation standards.
The "CAPACS Accredited" logo publicly affirms that a program is committed to the highest standards in postsecondary education and training, ethics, quality improvement, and peer review. CAPACS encourages its programs to use the "CAPACS Accredited" logo in their marketing materials and on their websites, subject to the following guidelines.
Guidelines for the Use of the "CAPACS Accredited" Logo
Postsecondary programs in sociological practice (applied, clinical, engaged public, translational, forensic, and rural sociology) that have been accredited by CAPACS have an accessible way to publicize their standing and accomplishment. CAPACS asks its programs to follow these guidelines in the use of the "CAPACS Accredited" logo:
1. The "CAPACS accredited" logo may be used only by an accredited or re-accredited program that the CAPACS Board has determined to be in good standing (i.e., in "full," "provisional," or "probationary" compliance with its Standards), as published under Sections 8.3, 9.3, and 10.1-4, in the CAPACS Policies and Procedures. Programs that have voluntarily withdrawn their accreditation, or have had their “accreditation denied” or their “re-accreditation revoked” by the CAPACS Board are not permitted to use the "CAPACS accredited" logo.
2. The "CAPACS Accredited" logo should be used in its entirety, as it appears in the logo images and files provided by CAPACS. This includes the "CAPACS globe" and "CAPACS Accredited” insignia, and the words, “The Commission on the Accreditation of Programs in Applied and Clinical Sociology."
3. The "CAPACS Accredited" logo may be reduced or enlarged to suit the specific use, but the scale of the elements must be retained. Elements of the logo may not be separated, used in part, or reconstituted in a manner that is different from how they appear in the logo images and files provided by CAPACS.
4. The "CAPACS Accredited" logo may be reproduced in black and white, or in color. If color is used, the logo must be used only in the set of colors (or reasonable facsimile) as they appear in the logo images and files provided by CAPACS.
5. The "CAPACS Accredited" logo may be used on the official stationery, fax cover pages, marketing materials, and website of a program that has been accredited or re-accredited by CAPACS.
6. The "CAPACS Accredited" logo may be used in the brochures, catalogs, bulletins, marketing materials, and websites of the department or unit, college or division, and/or university or institution that house the accredited program. Text should accompany the "CAPACS Accredited " logo or, if used without the logo, clearly stating that the accreditation applies only to the specific program that has been accredited by CAPACS, and not to the department or unit, college or division, or university or institution that house the program. The use of the "CAPACS Accredited" logo and text in any other manner or context is prohibited, and may not be used by Programs that have voluntarily withdrawn their accreditation, or had their "accreditation denied” or their "re-accreditation revoked" by the CAPACS Board, as published in Sections 8.3, 9.3, and 10.1-4, in the CAPACS Policies and Procedures.
7. If there is uncertainty about the acceptable use of the "CAPACS Accredited" logo and text, please Contact CAPACS for clarification. You also may enter the following URL into your web browser 'http://www.capacs.net/contact.shtml' to contact CAPACS with your inquiry. The "CAPACS Accredited" logo is available for download and use in the following formats: